Lesen Sie hier, was unsere Teilnehmer*innen im Carl Duisberg Activity Camp in Radolfzell am Bodensee erlebt haben.
"Mir hat das Sommercamp riesen Spaß gemacht. Alle waren sehr nett, die Teilnehmer, die Begleiter und die Lehrer. Wir waren eine tolle Clique, die jeden Tag mit Bus und Zug von Eigeltingen nach Radolfzell zum Unterricht gefahren sind und auch wieder zurück natürlich ;-) . Am besten hat mir die Übernachtung in der Lochmühle gefallen. Es ist sehr gemütlich dort. Der Unterricht am Morgen ging so schnell vorbei und mittags standen Aktivitäten auf dem Programm. Das Kanu-Fahren auf dem Bodensee fand ich super! Hoffentlich treffe ich nächstes Jahr die Mädels wieder, die ich dieses Jahr kennengelernt habe."
"Unsere Jungs waren vor dem Camp sehr skeptisch und wollten eigentlich nicht gehen. Als wir sie jedoch abholten, war die erste Aussage: Mama, wir wollen nächstes Jahr wieder gehen – es war total cool und wir haben jetzt sogar Freunde aus Georgien und Spanien!“
„Hi! My name is Anna and I'm from Russia. I went to the Carl Duisberg Camp for learning English language. I have never been to camp in Germany, because I was worried that the other children will be talking only German. But when I came there I understood that there are children from other countries: Italy, Spain, Swiss, Latvia, Israel, France, Russia, England and of course Germany.
The room was really good. It's really funny when you can make one big bed by putting the mattresses close to each other and sleep with your friends together! The bathroom was really good too.
First we wake up with music! The leaders really kind and funny! Then we're going to the breakfast! This is the best breakfast! It's good that your child can choose how much eat it wants. The bread and yogurt really tasty! Then we're going to school! I liked the school because the teachers of English and German were really intelligent. The lessons were long, but we were playing some games too.
I'm in the summer camp so I met my new friends: India-Italy, Isa-Spain, Ann-Katharin-Swiss, Dominic-England. I was happy because it is funny and interesting when you talk with people from different countries.
Our leaders in summer camp were the best leaders! Felicia and Cora! All the leaders in Carl Duisberg camp know 2 or more languages! So I was talking in English without any problems! Every day in summer camp we were doing different activities. Canoe, boats, circus, swimming, zip line etc.
Later I met new girl from Latvia. Her name was Anna. And from 1 week we were sleeping together 5 girls in one big bed. The leaders in this camp were friendly, funny and kind! The travel to the Europa park was wonderful!!!
Thank you for this magic, funful summer Julia, Felicia, Cora, Lena, Cora, Darina, Benny, Pedro, Isabel & Caro. And of course thank you, Elizabeth! See you soon!“